Well if this isn't the coolest idea going; I'll eat my shorts! Ok even better, I'll eat Your shorts lol. But seriously this is Great! I am inviting you to my home for a dinner party! Yeah yeah you're saying. Don't you smell the sauce on the stove? Don't you want a glass of my favorite Mondavi wine to sip? Mmm I think you might want to keep reading even tho this is a long post!
My friend Auds at Barking Mad
came up with this Brilliant idea! It's a way of showing off some of our favorite bloggers and acquiring a few for ourselves too! You are most welcome to play along. What you do is this. Pick 10 of your fav bloggers and list them while sharing what you love about them. Then link your post with the links back to audrey. Soon, it will be a cascading event with us all intertwinning in the Ginormous World Wide Web! So we're going to share who we would Love to invite to our dinner party and why we love thier blogging style so much! I'm excited to share with you my 10 favorite bloggers cause I love what they have to say and I Know you will too! And I'm happy to meet some more. Always!
I've always loved having online friends. Hey I even met my husband online and took him into my real life (RL). So sometimes web buddys become wayyy more. I have friends I've met and kept in RL too. So I feel totally blessed to have these people in my life. It would not of happened if it weren't for the WWWeb.
This blogging has taken my by surprise. I really didn't know or realize how many interesting people there still were left in the world. But I've soon come to find that not only have I met some Awesome Inspiring Women thru my blogging; I know there are lots more just waiting to be found. I love having a place to share and bond with people all over the world. So this Dinner party as I said is Brilliant and I love Auds for thinking of it! Bullocks to anyone who would even Suggest this is anything but divine. My final word.
Now on to my fav bloggies =)
1. Auds. Yeah I know it seems I'm kissing butt. But I'm not.This lady Has to sit at my right side next to the Spaghetti and Meatballs I'm making for our dinner party! I've know Audrey for about 5 or so years now in RL and am just blessed beyond words by her. She is an inspiration and just about the funniest, wackiest, wild woman ever!! I'm serious! Now don't be hatin! Cause I've sat and actually HAD dinner with her LOL! I kid you not. So check her blog out. She shares personal deep moving things and hilirious side tingling things too. She will knock your socks off Seriously. I think you'll see once you start reading here at Auds
2. A Traveling Midwife is an inspiration to me as an L&D nurse because she understands so well my world. She lives it! She's a great baby catcher and I learn by the posts she shares. Gosh this girl is funny. I about LMAO at her post about the docs talking to nurses thru their masks and being unintelligable. Oh and she shares wonderful birth storys too =)
3.As far as Nurse blogs goes, this woman gets My personal award. She's funny, sarcastic (which I loveee) and knowledgable all mixed together. Nurse Ratched is a site you Have to see. Even if you're not into the medicine scene, and who ISN'T, you'll come away chuckling.
4. This girl has Terrific Insight into people and what makes them tick. Jen will take you done a path that you may have avoided or turned away from. She will make you think hard and take a long look at things inside your soul that other people can't see. And you'll be glad you looked. Very glad..
5. You know I am loving learning about photography. Well I can tell you; there are No better photographers Anywhere better than our girls on the net. This woman here at The Inspired Family is constantly teaching me little things about how to get fab pics with my new Canon. She runs a tip top blog with loads of TLC. Just take a look at her gorgeous Desaturated photo's here and here! Oh please dig all around her site =)
6. Now this site is not One woman, but loads. All putting their heads and talents together to give us a top notch photography site! You WILL thank me for this one. Hey I'll even give them my Cherry Cheesecake I am bringing to the dinner party Just for the pleasure of looking thru their camera shots. The girls at Shutter Sisters even have a fab photo- flash necklace coming out soon. This site will take you Weeks to read thru. Yes it's That good!
7. These girls are all good friends of mine in RL and in erm, my WL (web life) too! So I decided to list them here as one. That way I still have a bit of room for a few more lol. So please read at Marlooneys Morology, Fruitpie's and Spice and The Wonderful World of Me. We're all personal friends of Audrey too~~~hehe!
8.Come visit Nicole at Nicole Young Designs for some of the Very best digital scrapbooking kits. She's a part of a wonderful site called DigitalScrapbookPlace.com. I love her work and I love learning more tricks about digital scrapbooking. DO yourself a favor and peek!
9. Well this next blogger is the Only man I'd invite to our dinner party. Why? Well you take a look at his blog called Confessions of a CF husband and tell me YOU wouldn't invite him too!! His heart is almost as big as his head. Hehe I can say that cause he's gone and shaved his head to support his loving wife Tricia in her fight again'st Cancer. Ohh but thats not the first trial they've been thru.His little girl Gwyneth's miracle story will make you grab your babys and hug them till they push you away. This is truly an incredible story..one you have to read. Hey the guy even posts synopsis's for peeps to catch up with lol. Gotta love that!
10. This is a Photography site I cannot live without these days, named Dolcepics. This mom in Clear Simple Understandable Writing and photo's, shows you how to truly capture the moment with your camera. Her photo's are Freakinnnn Incrediblistic!!.I can't say enough sweet things about her. She is a true professional with a heart willing to help. I can't wait for you to see this blog! I'm saving my Jello Fruit Salad for Her!!
So there you go. You're invited. I hope you join in. Have a little fun, go on it won't hurt I promise! I'll make sure I buy enough wine. And I'll toss a few more meatballs in the pot! Come on down~
Surprise Birth...Well Sorta!
15 years ago
You have Traveling Midwife linked twice. FYI.
LOL atyourcervis. Oops. Thats what happens when you blog after working a 12hr night shift hehe!!
That is a good idea. I think I may list mine on my blog.
Thank you!
What? Am I late? Pass the spaghetti already.
Mmm well you'll have to eat the zuchinni. I already ATE all the sketties LOL
Heyyy girls welcome to my party! I promise lots of Pink Zinfidel and stuffed mushroom caps for starters =)
Have a look around while its heating up!
Hi Jody! You're so sweet to invite me to your partay! Thank you! I'll take a look around the other sites. I'm sure I'll find great treasures. Thanks so much for sharing!
OK... I know I'm a little slow on the uptake, but everybody knows it's fashionable to be late to a party!
Thanks for the invite! I'll be sure to mingle and see what everybody's up to... as well as host my own! Soon... very soon.
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