...you know sometimes I think it is a thing of the past. Natural Childbirth I mean! It's a very rare thing on my unit to have a mom come in saying she has a doula and will Not be getting an epidural. Very rare! Almost nonexistant!! I'm starting to think I'm some sort of dinosaur!! Seriously! I pushed out 4 babys, the first being almost 12lbs. ( 11-7 3/4lbs to be exact) and I had no pain medication. Oh yeah it hurt, but I knew having a baby was suppose to hurt to some degree! I mean I expected discomfort and was prepared for it. I read like a feign before going into labor. My doc had No idea I was having a Humongous child lol. Boy you can imagine the look on His face when the nurse weighed him!
But it was not unbearable pain. As you moms know, its a hard pain to describe..so I'm struggling to find the words to describe how I felt. But I knew it was work I had to do to birth my baby. I didn't scream. I didn't say nasty things. I didn't panic and I didn't freak out. Weird huh?
I just don't get it today. No one seems worried about the possible effects epidurals could have on our babys. They haven't been around long enough to truly know if there are any problems or lingering aftereffects. I often wonder if epidurals have any relation to the large increase in Autism. Its true today as it was 25 yrs ago. Everything you put in your body is absorbed and is filtered thru the baby. All of it. I think maybe we just don't know if there is any correlation. Time will tell tho.
I watched a few YOUTUBE video's of home births the other day. I have to say that the women delivering their babys without any pain medication have the same level of discomfort as the women I assist in delivery today With an epidural.
The funny thing (to me) is that woman are Surprised and Shocked to feel anything with their epidural. Seriously!! They say "I can feel something!! Make it stop!" Usually its the babys head decending. They don't like it that they still feel that. Some ask me to call for epi bolus's. Lucky for them I can administer a small bolus without calling the Doc.
Last night I had a girl who was just blown away that she was having rectal pressure. LOL, I said "honey you are Going to feel that. You need to push your baby out!! I can'ttttt she crys. I didn't feel anything with my last baby!" Simply amazing.
So I thought I'd share one special YOUTUBE video of women having multiple births "Au Natural". It's beautiful in my eyes. Omgosh I really loved this video!
Yeah, I think I'm a dinosaur lol.
Surprise Birth...Well Sorta!
15 years ago