Thursday, July 3, 2008


Dang but I'm tired. Worked a 12 hr shift last night. Help birth a baby at 6:10am. So I'm off for a nap. I'm off tonight but I'll just DIE if I don't lay down for a bit.
Anyone else work nights? Understand me?


Just Me said...

Shannon is doing some 12 hour shifts right now in her preceptorship, and will be working nights when her orientation is done. She's actually looking forward to that, because she gets all of her weekends off!

Christina said...

John was doing that when he worked at the casino. I don't feel the pain, but John knows it well.

mitchsmom said...

I've been called in on nights and just that is bad enough to me!!! My husband works day and night shifts.
My hat's off to all night workers!!!!!

mitchsmom said...

PS - I linked to you on my blog - hope that's ok :)

Nurse Lochia said...

I can totally relate. Nights is hard. I never focused so much on sleep until I started working nights.

AtYourCervix said...

I used to work nights, had to switch to evenings - now I'm much happier!! The lack of sleep was too much for me.