Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bestest Hubby Ever!!!

Yep I thought that would catch your eye! Hubby brought me home a dozen long stem red roses the other day. I asked why and he said .. "just because". I've got alot of messy stuff to deal with lately in RL so I think he was letting me know he understood.
I love him to bits.


Unknown said...

awe, how sweet of him!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I love men who speak that language :)

Pretty photo, too!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie! Just because is always the greatest reason!

Just Me said...

Awww, give the big lug an extra hug from me. Call it a big lug hug. :)

Christina said...

sweet! tell him to teach my hubby about the power of flowers!

Jody said...

Christina I'll work on it =)